In our world today there are different kinds of workers with different professions, amongst them are high and low income earners. Many are wondering why some people earn salary more than they do, especially their co-workers. Here are the reasons why there are alot of differencies in salary earning.
1.Period of training: some workers spend more years to acquire their training and improve in skills than others and therefore they are rewarded more than their counterparts. For instance, medical doctors and engineers spend more years in their training than typist and clerks.
2.The amount spent in the course of training: those who spend more amount in the course of their training and are rewarded more in line with what they spent during training.
3.The skills require at work: while it requires special skill acquired through training to be a doctor or an engineer, it does not need any special skill to be a messenger or a cleaner. Hence doctors and engineers are paid for more than messengers and cleaners.
4.The force of demand and supply: the rate at when a particular labour is demanded relative to our supply affects the reward it will attracts. For instance the demand for unskilled labour is fewer than it's supply. therefore it records is low. The demand for medical doctors is still higher than their supply. Hence the higher reward paid to them.
5.The role of trade union: trade union which acts as an umbrella that brings some that bring some together play significance role in bringing about difference in rewards for labour in some cases, they use the instruments of industrial action to process higher rewards for their members.
6.The level of productivity: the higher the level of productivity workers give out the higher reward or salary they will get.
7.The social value for a particular job: The extent the society value a particular job determines what the reward for such labour will be. For instance the society places high premium on the work of clergy men others, even though they do not produce tangible commodities, hence the work of clergy men attracts higher pay.
8.The relationship between employees: This "god father" is at times has nohing to do with the level of production and it's qualification of it workers.
9.The risk involved in a job: These jobs trhat involves more risk attract higher pay of workers that risk their lives, like pilots are paid higher than their counterparts in less dangerous works like motor driving.
10.Sex consideration: In some societies were there is descrimination, men have rewards more their women counterparts. These male have this belief that men work more harder than women and therefore should be paid more.
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